Gabo: The Creation of Gabriel García Márquez

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How did a boy from a backward town on the Caribbean coast become a writer who won the hearts of millions, from the poorest to the most powerful political leaders, and whose works changed our perception of reality?




90 min


Justin Webster


This film tells the incredible story of Gabriel García Márquez, the 1982 Nobel Prize winner for Literature, author of the globally popular, and critically-acclaimed masterpiece 100 Years of Solitude, who grew up in the poverty and violence of northern Colombia, and propelled by a love of life and a sensual, magical sensibility, followed a path that took him not only into a pioneer of life-affirming literature, but to the forefront of the political struggles of the 70s and 80s, through his militant journalism and his friendships with political leaders such as Fidel Castro and Bill Clinton.

The film is a story about the incredible power of human imagination, which follows the interwoven threads of Gabriel García Márquez’s life and work – “Gabo” to all of Latin America – with the narrative tension of an investigation.

Directed by
Justin Webster

Written by
Justin Webster
Kate Horne

Lucas Gath
Cosmo Campbell
Kim Hattesen
Patricio Suarez

Laro Basterrechea

Judit Méndez Puig

Kate Horne

Executive Producers
Sumpta Ayuso
Angus Macqueen

Gabo: The Creation of Gabriel García Márquez
  • „Just in diesem Moment überraschen uns die aus dem Theaterbereich stammenden jungen Regisseure Hans Block und Moritz Riesewieck mit einem erstaunlichen Dokumentarfilm, der seit Monaten Publikum und Kritik auf den wichtigsten Festivals der Welt elektrisiert. Völlig zu Recht: Es ist, als würden einem die Scheuklappen weggerissen, als sähe man das, was sich seit Jahren direkt vor unseren Augen abspielt, zum ersten Mal unverschleiert... eine fesselnde ,Doku noir' mit höchstem Anspruch...Dieser Film müsste an allen Schulen gezeigt werden.“
    Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Produced by

  • jw

Ronachan Films

Horne Productions

In co-production with

  • making movies
  • caracol
  • discovery
  • zdf

In association with

  • arte
  • canal+