Crossing the Border: 75 Years of Germany
CROSSING THE BORDER tells the stirring stories of people whose lives were decisively shaped by the Berlin Wall and the border that divided Germany for over 40 years. They share their personal memories of flight, transit traffic and expulsions and shed light on a chapter in German history that affects the lives of many to this day.
The film relies on intimate interviews and graphic novel elements that interweave with colorized archive material to create an atmospheric portrayal of the postwar period in Germany.
The inner-German border was 1.378 kilometers long and millions tried to cross it, hundreds of lives were lost while trying. Fashion designer Wolfgang Joop, born in 1944, tells how he grew up on in Potsdam, East-Germany. After his family fled, he became world-famous in the West and later, after a deal with the GDR authorities, was allowed to travel freely across the border in turn for helping the socialist regime design their uniforms. Songwriter Reinhard Mey, on the other hand, fought for years to be allowed to perform in the GDR. Only when the Wall was already crumbling was he allowed to do what he had dreamed of for years: to sing in Dresden, Saxony. Another episode tells the story of Barbara Galonska who is unexpectedly given the choice in 1978 of leaving East-Germany from one day to the other – as a passenger on an airplane hijacked to the West.
All of the stories are unique eyewitness reports that add up to a chapter of contemporary history that is still relevant today as it is profoundly intertwined with questions of German identity.
Directed by
Frank Diederichs
Steffi Lischke
René Dame
Martin Bochmann
Jens Greuner
Henry Leikauf-Dürheim
Felix Schlag
Alexander Pohl
Hans Ulrich Graefe
Graphic Novel
Rainer Ludwigs
Beatrix Hermens
Philipp Moog
Color grading
Bernie Greiner
Mix/Sound Design
Sascha Prangen
Archive Producer
Florian Tropp
Leon Schwarz
Alexander Steyer
Nadine Neumann
Executive Producer
Reinhardt Beetz
Production Management
Philipp Müller
Commissioning editors ZDF
Stefan Mausbach
Mario Sporn
Stefan Brauburger
Castan Filmkontor
Chronos Media
Erbengemeinschaft Franz Joseph Schreiber
Getty Images
IMAGO Images
Periscope Film
Spiegel TV
In Gedenken an Barbara Galonska
Sales & distribution
- Press kit
- Press photos
„Just in diesem Moment überraschen uns die aus dem Theaterbereich stammenden jungen Regisseure Hans Block und Moritz Riesewieck mit einem erstaunlichen Dokumentarfilm, der seit Monaten Publikum und Kritik auf den wichtigsten Festivals der Welt elektrisiert. Völlig zu Recht: Es ist, als würden einem die Scheuklappen weggerissen, als sähe man das, was sich seit Jahren direkt vor unseren Augen abspielt, zum ersten Mal unverschleiert... eine fesselnde ,Doku noir' mit höchstem Anspruch...Dieser Film müsste an allen Schulen gezeigt werden.“
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung