Our trimedial project MAKE LOVE has succesfully started last Sunday on MDR. It achieved a market share of 15,9% in the MDR broadcasting area. Nationwide, it reached a market share of 4,2%. On SWR, the first episode of MAKE LOVE will premiere tomorrow, November 6th at 10 pm.
Here’s a look at some of the most recent media coverage of MAKE LOVE:
“MAKE LOVE is to sex, what “The Voice of Germany” is to music: An elaborately hugging & touching counterpoint to the tough competition in todays achievement-oriented society. “(Stern.de, 04-11-2013)
“MAKE LOVE takes IT seriously. And that is unique to contempary television.” (Focus, 03-11-2013)
“Ann-Marlene Henning, therapist & sexologist, can teach presenters on television a lesson or two.” (Spiegel, 03-11-2013)
“Ann-Marlene Henning let the viewers know: Let’s talk about sex, there is nothing embarrassing about it.” (T-Online, 03-11-2013)