Feminist Men

  • Antenna IDFF Sydney
  • Berlin beyond FF
  • Guangzhou IDFF
  • Hotdogs Filmmaker
  • Hotdogs top10
  • idfa
  • Canadian sport FF

Feminism is no longer solely a women's issue. Increasingly, men are identifying as feminists, but putting this into practice can be challenging. Patriarchal structures persist in communication, workplaces, families, relationships, politics, and education.




52 min

Steven Galling 

The film follows four men who identify as feminists:

Bolewa Sabourin from Paris is a father who strives for true equality in his relationship. To him, this means sharing at least half of the childcare and housework responsibilities with his wife. They divide these tasks day-to-day, but this can strain their relationship as they have little time together.

 Philip Siefer founded a company in Berlin based on feminist principles. He believes in a hierarchy-free approach where employees work without bosses, mandatory attendance, and with democratic structures.

 Comedian Moritz Neumeier tackles gender equality on stage, sometimes even performing in a skirt. He feels the cultural sector still has a long way to go in treating women and men equally.

As the son of Turkish parents growing up in Germany, Fikri Anıl Altıntaş faced traditional male roles early on but later sought to break free from them. As a HeForShe ambassador for UN Women Germany, he strives to engage in the feminist dialogue from a male perspective and influence politics and society.

Written and directed by
Steven Galling

Director of Photography
Christoph Rohr-Scheidt
Thomas Bresinsky

Anna Brinks
Artem Funk
Till Blanke

Fabian Teichmann

Paul Timmich
Dorian Behner

Marie Biermann

Produced by
Eva Fouquet

Reinhardt Beetz

Commissioning Editors (NDR)
Claudia Cellarius
Kathrin Bronnert
Larissa Klinker

Feminist Men
  • „Just in diesem Moment überraschen uns die aus dem Theaterbereich stammenden jungen Regisseure Hans Block und Moritz Riesewieck mit einem erstaunlichen Dokumentarfilm, der seit Monaten Publikum und Kritik auf den wichtigsten Festivals der Welt elektrisiert. Völlig zu Recht: Es ist, als würden einem die Scheuklappen weggerissen, als sähe man das, was sich seit Jahren direkt vor unseren Augen abspielt, zum ersten Mal unverschleiert... eine fesselnde ,Doku noir' mit höchstem Anspruch...Dieser Film müsste an allen Schulen gezeigt werden.“
    Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

In co-production with

  • wdr

Produced by

  • Beetz
  • kobalt

In co-production with

  • bwp

In association with

  • arte
  • ndr

Supported by

  • media
  • EU Commission
  • FFA Filmförderungsanstalt
  • DFFF
  • medienboard

Supported by

  • media
  • EED
  • nrw